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Environment Experts calls for intensity efforts in addressing environmental challenges.

Environment Experts from the academia have reechoed the need for increase efforts geared towards public awareness on the dangers of poor environmental management system in Bauchi.

They also want government at all levels to shun lip service on implementing of policies that could guarantee healthy waste disposal and pollution management practices.

The environmental experts made the call at a one day knowledge sharing session on environment and climate change with a theme ” effective environmental management for sustainable development” organized by Bauchi ACReSAL project unit.

They also warned that if nothing drastic is done to mitigate the current waste disposal across, the state, people would contact diseases,

According to them, there is an urgent need to take responsible actions, to create awareness of the hazards in the environment especially among young people so as to find solutions or remedies to the hazards.

They opined that, the conference themed is coming at the right time when there are lots of issues surrounding the state of waste management and other environmental problems in Bauchi.

Professor Latifah Abd-Manaf from Faculty of Forestry and Environment, Universiti Putra Malaysia explained that successful environmental management pattern involves structured planning and resources for developing, implementing and maintaining policy for environmental protection.

She said people must come together to find lasting solutions to the problem of waste, sustaining living and changing the orientation of people towards the environment.

On her part, the Vice chancellor of Za’adu Zungur University Gadau professor Fatima Tahir said Bauchi is still far in terms of environmental sustainability and waste management, stressing that waste are being disposed anyhow across the state.

Professor Nura Kura from Federal University Dutse advised Bauchi ACReSAL office to liaise with other universities and learning institutions across the state to conduct a research to holistically checkmate problems associated with Tipper grass in the state.

In a remarks, the Bauchi State Agro Climatic Resilience in Semi Arid Landscapes project Coordinator Dr. Kabir Ibrahim said the session was organized to get inputs from environmental and policy experts, adding the information gathered would guide ACReSAL in terms of interventions.

He said Bauchi ACReSAL unit would adopt base line data gathering to come up with modalities of handling environment issue that affects the people.

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