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Federal University Kashare VC calls for implementation of education policies in public schools.

The Vice Chancellor of the Federal University, Kashere, Professor Umar A. Pate has attributed the challenges facing the country to subverting values of education in National integration by concern actors.

Professor Umar Pate made the assertions while delivery a pre- combined convocation lecture at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, title “Education and Nigeria’s Integration in Digital Age: Matters Arising” held at the one thousand seat capacity hall, Yelwa Campus.

The Vice Chancellor explained that, the operational system of education in Nigeria encouraged ethno religious violence, insecurity, corruption, sectional among others that are undermining the peace, integration and development of the country.

The University don said the importance of enhancing access to knowledge and use of digital technologies in schools at all levels cannot be quantify towards widening exposure and opportunities for students in the contemporary society.

Professor Umar Pate who underscored the integration of the country since nineteen fourteen, said the British initiated and implemented policies and actions for exploitative purposes and advised Nigerians to embrace national integration for peace to reign.

He urged governments at all levels to implement policies that would improve public schools performance aimed at attracting and bringing staff and students across the country and beyond to cross fertilize ideas, norms and values.

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