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Bauchi Govt proposes about 3 Billion Naira to Sa’adu Zungur University Gadau in 2024 Budget

From Rabi’u Ishaq Muhammad:

The Sa’adu Zungur University Gadau has applauded Governor Bala Abdulkadir Muhammad administration’s resolve of ensuring that Bauchi Citizens acquire sound knowledge.

The Vice Chancellor of the University Professor Fatima Tahir dropped this hint in an interview with newsmen after defending the University’s 2024 budget estimate at the state assembly.

To compliment this effort, Professor Fatima said the State government has in the 2024 budget estimate proposed about 3 billion naira to the university for conducive learning environment towards effective service delivery.

Represented by the VC academic Associate Professor Alhmed Garba, the VC said the university is working round the clock to provide hostels in its campuses to accommodate the over ten thousand students of the university.

Similarly, the state commissioner for education Dr. Jamila Mohammed Dahiru says the state government had allocated 49 billion naira to the ministry in the 2024 proposed budget.

She announced this in an interview after defending the ministry’s budget at the state assembly complex.

Dr. Jamila Dahiru said the ministry in the proposed would focus more attention in the areas of construction and renovation of schools, training and retraining for teachers, recruitment, fencing of schools, provision of teaching and learning materials and the purchase of ICT facilities among others.

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