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IDFP calls for the elimination of Gender Based Violence in the society.

A Non-Governmental Organization, International Dialogue Forum for Peace (IDFP) has called for collaborative efforts by traditional and religious leaders aimed at championing the fight against Sexual Gender Based Violence with a view to eliminating the menace in the society.

The call was made during a one day Engagement Forum on development and validation of SGBV Accountability Framework for Community Faith-Based Actors in Nigeria, organized by IDFP with support from United Nations Women, held at the Hazibal Hotel and Suite, Bauchi.

Speaking on Gender-Based Violence in Nigeria, Reverend Abainitus Hamman stated that gender-based violence remains one of the pervasive human rights violence in the world today, adding that it is a reality that too many women, children and vulnerable groups suffer in silence often without the necessary support system to escape the circle of abuse.

He told the faith-based leaders, not to only speak out against SGBV, but to take actionable steps to protect and empower those who are at risk, stressing that it is part of their moral and spiritual obligation.

In their opinions, two religious leaders, Mbami Godiya and Abdulkadir Zailani commended IDFP for involving them to champion the campaign of SGBV in the society, saying that they will justify the confidence reposed on them by ensuring that cases of SGBV in their communities are reduced to the barest minimum through continuous sensitization of their people as well as seeking justice for the victims whose rights have been violated.

They called on people in the society to show compassion for victims of SGBV by not stigmatizing them, but show hem love and assisting them to get justice.

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