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Federal Govt. urged to find a lasting solution to the current economic hardship in the country.

The Bauchi State Chairman of Jama,atu Izalatil-bid’ah Wa’ikamatus Sunnah Professor Zubairu Abubakar Madaki has called on federal government to find a lasting solution to the prevailing economic hardship facing Nigerians.

Professor Zubairu Madaki made the call in an interview with our reporter in Azare.

He also called on government at All levels to take urgent steps to addressed the rising cost of foodstuffs and other essencial commodities and services.

Professor Zubairu Madaki who expressed worried on how leaders made life difficult for many Nigerians through the continued devaluation of naira and removal of fuel subsidy which resulted to current hardship faced by many Nigerians, called on government to do everything possible to end the trend.

He quoted some verses from the Holy Qur,an and the Hadith of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him that shows that Allah is testing His mankind, and He loves those who are patient and therefore called on citizens to be patient and continue to offer special prayers for Almighty Allah to ease the situation.

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