ACReSAL training on Land restoration, NPC calls on step down training to communities.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation training on land restoration techniques in collaboration with the Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi Arid Landscapes (ACReSAL) has been concluded with a call to step down the training to the communities to achieve the set objectives.
The call was made by the National Project Coordinator ACReSAL, Dr Abdulhameed Umar while giving his closing remarks at the end of the workshop.
Dr Umar also used the forum to appreciate the Food and Agriculture Organisation for organising the training, saying the collaboration will help in achieving the project development objectives.
He called on the State Project Management Units to swing into action by embarking on massive plantation activities to restore a reasonable number of degraded land in their respective States.
ACReSAL representatives Mr Manievel Sene while thanking FAO for the training, emphasized on rigorous afforestation activities, leveraging on the use of technology to achieve the overall objectives of restoring degraded land to mitigate the effects of climate change.
The Bauchi State Project Coordinator Dr Ibrahim Kabir while stating the state’s roadmap, said the SPMU will embark on intensive stakeholders engagement, provision of machineries for land restoration and training of communities to participate in the project.
He also appreciated the ACReSAL Federal project management unit and the Food and Agriculture Organisation for the training, saying it will go along way in speeding implementation processes at SPMUs, urged participants to step down the knowledge acquired to communities for the overall objectives of the workshop.